The Metabolic Balance® Program
It’s time to feel the healthy you again!
What if I told you…
You CAN RELEASE unwanted body fat
REDUCE inflammation
WITHOUT giving up all the things you love?!
The things you used to do to lose weight in your 20’s don’t seem to work anymore, or are unsustainable.
Bored with diets?
The thought of having to be restricted all the time and eating bland foods or shakes doesn’t excite you. It’s so not fun anymore!
It’s so confusing to work out what type of eating plan or diet you should try. Fasting, keto, paleo, carnivore, juice cleanse, weight watchers??? How do you know what is right for your body?
Not yourself?
Once upon a time, you felt like you could take on the world. When did you start feeling old? When did the niggly aches creep up and where did the energy and motivation go?

Hi there!
I’m Anne-Marie,
I love good food, and enjoying meals with family. I believe a healthy life includes enjoying real food the way mother nature intended and finding a balance that works for you. The Metabolic Balance way allows this with ease!
One of the things I love about the Metabolic Balance program is that by matching the right foods to the individual it allows the body to thrive, reducing inflammation, and managing blood sugar. Weight release is the side benefit of the metabolism working as it should.
My clients say “they’ve never felt better” and “for the first time ever they know what and how to eat”. This makes my heart sing!
How Metabolic Balance® works…
Professional 1:1 Coaching & Support
Real Food-No Shakes
Metabolic Balance® is an eating plan backed by science and created to balance the metabolic pathways in your body to help achieve a fitter, healthier you.
The plan uses whole, natural foods to give a balanced diet with little refined carbohydrate; this avoids insulin peaks and troughs and allows your body’s metabolism to balance itself.
Metabolic Balance is truly personalised.
Your plan will show you specifically:
- Which foods to eat for your needs.
- How much of each to eat.
- What combination of macronutrients to enjoy and in what balance.
- What meal timing is best for your body.
- How to keep up your new eating habits and success for the long term.
- How to incorporate eating healthy whole foods as part of your lifestyle.
Your plan is perfectly matched to you based on your blood tests, which means no two plans are alike AND you can forever stop wondering if you should do intermittent fasting or keto or paleo or low fat or high carb or…

The Four Phases of Metabolic Balance
Phase 1: Preparation Phase. This is a 2 day cleanse and gut detox to prepare the body for nutritional conversion.
Phase 2: Strict Conversion Phase. This is where your metabolism is reset and retrained to be resilient and adaptable again. Some say it’s the phase where “the magic happens”.
Phase 3: Relaxed Conversion Phase. When you get to this phase you are in tune with your body’s natural signals and know what works for it or against it. You can reintroduce weekly “treat meals” and monitor your body with confidence.
Phase 4: Maintenance Phase. This phase is about maintaining your great results and the healthiest version of you for life!
Because the program is mapped specifically to your body, you can transition through these phases at the rate that works for you, and move back or forward at any point along the way. It an be personalised to your lifestyle.
A clear plan, custom-made for you, AND all the support you need.
Step out of overwhelm, exhaustion, and feeling frumpy and into feeling HEALTHY, ENERGISED, and CONFIDENT.
Master your health goals, even if you have no time for the gym with this professionally supported 12 week Metabolic Balance® Program.
Next steps…
Step 1
Attend your initial new patient appointment* to assess your health status, goals and suitability for the program. Either way, by the end of this diagnosis and discovery appointment you will have a good understanding of what is going on in your body and what you can do about it. If you decide this isn’t the program for you, that’s ok…there is a plan B & C provided! * $185 (offered separate to the program)
Step 2
Choose the programme that suits your style and needs most. If you are eligible to enrol in the Metabolic Balance Porgramme, you will need to complete a few forms. We’ll need some measurements, food preferences, and targets to get things started. Then you’ll be ready to get your blood tests done.
Step 3
All your data and blood tests will be used confidentially to generate your personal meal plan and food list. Then I’ll walk you through your plan and support you with resources and some great recipes to get started. You’ll be able to ask questions and get support all the way through. Get ready to feel great!
12 Week Metabolic Balance Personalised Nutrition Programme
- Comprehensive Blood Test including Vitamin D check
- Personalised Nutrition Plan
- 1:1 Appointments in person or via Phone or Zoom.
- Recipe Book packed with tasty MB friendly meal ideas
- Unlimited E-Mail support for all your Q & A on the programme
- Motivation & Accountability
- Access to my Private “Barefoot Groupies” VIP Facebook support group
- Optional Add On Testing
- E-Course, Lifestyle, Mindset and Wellness Resources for your Long Term Success
- Afterpay Payment Plan available
- Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly plans available. Standard processing fees apply.
The Metabolic Balance Program has been amazing for me because I feel I can have a pain-free life by following the guidelines. Within days of eating from the plan, I could feel the inflammation leaving my hands and feet and every day they got better and better. I felt confident in doing the everyday things I had easily done before Rheumatoid Arthritis took over my joints.
Schedule a Call

Let’s get to know what YOUR body needs during a Naturopathic Consultation

Get your personalised
nutrition plan & start your Metabolic Balance Journey

OR, start your Naturopathic Treatment Plan
Q: What if I can’t attend the clinic in person?
A: Virtual consultations area available via Telehealth or Phone.
Q: Can I claim any rebate for the program or consultations?
A: There is not medicare rebate or private health fund rebate for Naturopathic Consultations at this time, however the Metabolic Balance 12 Week Program may be rebatable as a lifestyle program through Mildura Health Fund, AHM, and Bupa. We suggest contacting your private health insurer to see if you are eligible for any rebate.
Q: What if I have a food allergy or intolerances?
A: Your individual needs and health considerations are all taken into account prior to starting the program. You may continue to avoid any foods that you are allergic to and you may find that some of your intolerances may reduce.
Q: Am I required to purchase any additional supplements, powders or shakes?
A: No, Metabolic Balance is a food-based program. No supplements, shakes or powders are required.
Q: Can I tell my doctor I am planning to do this program?
A: Absolutely! This is an evidence-based, professionally supported program. We are happy to communicate with your doctor and share your blood test results when they are ready.
Q: If after the initial consultation I decide not to go ahead with Metabolic Balance Program then what?
A: Regardless of your decision or suitability to complete the Metabolic Balance 12 week Program, you will have a treatment plan and strategy by the end of your initial appointment. If you decided not to do the 12 week program, there are many other treatment and testing options which will be made available to you. The choice is 100% yours with no obligation, and you won’t leave without some kind of plan to move forward with. My goal is for you to feel better by the time our appointment ends, than when you arrived!
Q: Are there payment plans available?
A: Yes, absolutely. Payment plans can be arranged through AfterPay.
NOTE: This program is NOT SUITABLE FOR:
- Under 18 years old
- Pregnant or Breastfeeding women
- People with Liver or Kidney disease
A Patient's Personal Experience
In my 22 years working in the health industry as a Naturopath I have been exposed to many weight loss programs and diets promising great results. What I learned and became frustrated with was that most of them offered a one-size-fits-all approach that never took individual nuances into account. The Metabolic Balance® Program is different. Using 36 markers from a person’s individual blood tests, the program is truly personalised, and the results speak for themselves. In practice I find this program is a great tool for almost everyone because it’s not just treating body weight, it’s enhancing health by reducing inflammation and aging stresses on the body. I’ve had the honor to witness people relieved of their aches and pains, reporting more balanced mood and sleep, seeing autoimmune diseases better managed and releasing excess body fat if it was needed. The Metabolic Balance way of life is a winner all round for health.
NEW Patient- Initial Appointment
A Naturopathic Consultation- Comprehensive health assessment
- Review of any current blood test results
- Review of any current medications or supplements
- Review of current diet, lifestyle, and health goals
- Discussion about treatment options specifically for you
- A road map for next steps to get you where you want to be with your health
- Referral for any recommended testing
- Doctor referral letter when relevant